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Applied Therapy Methods

DIR® Floortime

Floortime (also known as DIRFloortime) is an intervention used to support an individual's development through a respectful, fun, joyful and engaging process. It uses the power of relationships and human connections to foster the development of capacities for self-regulation, participation, communication, shared social problem-solving, and creative, organized and reflective thinking and reasoning. 
Dr. It is based on the DIR®️ model developed by Stanley Greenspan and colleagues. It is an approach that cares about special education teachers, speech and language therapists, occupational therapists, child psychiatrists, parents and individuals with developmental difficulties or other related needs around the world. It is an evidence-based approach to promoting human development used in children, adolescents and even adults. It is a very effective method used especially in individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder.

Palin PCI

Palin Parent-Child Interaction (PEI) therapy is an early intervention approach developed for stuttering. In this family-based approach to stuttering therapy, the therapist begins in the clinical setting by involving parents in the therapy process. This method, which is used especially in children who have started to stutter between the ages of 2-7, was developed by speech and language therapists working on stuttering at the Michele Palin Center in London.

Online Family Entertainment


Activating the mouth and surrounding muscles for restructuring, that is, the PROMPT method, in short, is a method applied by giving stimulus to the speech muscles in some problems caused by the inability to produce speech sounds. This method was developed in the 1970s by Speech and Language Pathologist/Therapist Deborah Hayden in the United States and is only used by speech and language therapists with PROMPT training.

DIR Floortime
Lidcombe Kekemelik Programı

Lidcombe Erken Dönem Kekemelik Programı

Lidcombe Programı, 6 yaşından küçük ve kekeleyen çocuklar için davranışsal bir terapi programıdır. Terapi programı, çocuğun günlük ortamında bir ebeveyn veya bakıcı tarafından uygulanır. Ebeveynler, dil ve konuşma terapistiyle yapılan haftalık ziyaretler sırasında tedavinin terapinin nasıl yapılacağını öğrenirler. Bu ziyaretler sırasında dil ve konuşma terapisti, ebeveyne terapinin çeşitli özelliklerini göstererek, ebeveyni terapiyi yaparken gözlemleyerek ve ebeveynlere terapinin nasıl gittiğine dair geri bildirimde bulunarak ebeveyne öğretir. Bu ebeveyn eğitimi önemlidir, çünkü terapi programının uygun şekilde yapılmasını ve çocuk ve aile için olumlu bir deneyim olmasını sağlamak dil ve konuşma terapistinin sorumluluğundadır.

anne ve Çocuk


ETEÇOM is the abbreviation of Interaction-Based Early Childhood Intervention Programme. Its original name is Responsive Teaching Program (RT). ETEÇOM2 stands for Interaction-Based Early Childhood Intervention Program, Version 2. ETEÇOM2 is a program based on Relationship-Based Approach. Relation-based practices such as Floortime, DIR, Denver Model and ETEÇOM2 (Responsive Teaching; improve the quality of the interaction of the primary caregiver (parent or specialist/educator) with their child and thus improve the child's development (cognitive, social-emotional and communication) aims to support

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